Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Super powers

Hello hello! Long time no write I know, I'm sorry! It has been a very busy few weeks here. There are just not enough hours in the day for all the glorious things I want to do. If only I had a super power which meant I didn't need to sleep. Then I could get it all done! What is this long list I hear you ask? Well, I'd like to write more, take photos more, sew more, paint more, crochet more, I have a list of odd jobs to finish my bedroom as long as my arm, read more (long list of books waiting),cook more, bake more, walk more, exercise more, talk to friends more, ride more, learn french more.. the list goes on! Unfortunately I have boring tasks to do as well, such as a day job, food shopping, washing and so on. I do get time to do some of these nice things among the compulsory ones but only for an hour or so each evening. I need a clone of me! Or someone to invent this super power- imagine the things I could do! The other super power I would choose would be teleportation. I am sure there must be some clever physicist out there who has invented this already, but could he hurry up please so that when I fancy a pizza I can go to Italy, or I could go back to Bali to surf for a day, or to Beijing and walk along the Wall of China at sunrise before work. What with teleportation, and the need for no sleep, life would be incredible. Even more so than it already is :)

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