Sunday, 17 November 2013


Last week was graduation week. After four long years of hard work the day finally came!! About time! Mum flew over from Malta and Nana travelled down from Sheffield on the Monday afternoon so I collected them from Gatwick and we had a bit of grub before Mum headed down to Bournemouth. She got a head start on us as she wanted to visit the lovely Aunty Fifi who lives down there. Kim also travelled down to Bournemouth on the Tuesday to spend the day and celebrate with us so it really was a special day in the end. Nana was asking me on the train down if I was excited and I really wasn’t, I just couldn’t see what the big deal was. But when we arrived it all changed. It was just so wonderful to see all my friends in their gowns and caps after we have all worked so hard. The ceremony involved a lot of clapping. A lot. And a lot of Chinese students getting masters and PhDs. But they eventually got around to us BA lot and we finally got those hard earned certificates! Wahooo. I should really frame it and treasure it but at the moment it’s in a drawer. Mum cried. As expected. We then went out for dinner in Bournemouth and Fiona joined us. Kim and Nana both gave me graduation gifts, which was so kind although unexpected. It was a bit sad when they had to leave on Wednesday morning and I headed out to work, although I am hoping to get out to see Mum in January or February so that is something to look forward to. John’s graduation was on the Thursday, which I didn’t attend due to work, but I saw some photos and he really pulled the outfit off! Much better than me, with my cap falling off the whole time. I went back down to Bournemouth on the Friday evening to have a celebratory dinner with him and his family, which was lovely. So there you go, we are finally graduates!!!

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