Friday, 22 November 2013

Loopy Roo

Today has been a very sad day :( I have had to say goodbye to my bestest friend, Rupert. I got Rupert in 2007 when working for Bruce and Ali. He used to be a racehorse, then was with various eventers before coming to me to teach me the ropes of eventing! I had a great season out eventing on him, before he sadly got an arthiritic injury which meant he could no longer be ridden. As he had been so wonderful and was generally still healthy we retired him and he has been living out his days in a herd of horses up at West Hall in Byfleet. He never fails to put a smile on his face with his cheekyness and quirks. He has kept us on our toes the past 6 years, with small injuries and weight problems but always been a cheery little chap and just generally enjoying life. Despite that, he has been quite poorly recently so we thought it was the kindest thing. He always drops weight through the winter, but we usually feed him lots and wrap him up in rugs and he does ok til about February/March and then it isnt long until the grass starts growing. But just after that nasty storm we had he dropped off masses of weight, very suddenly. We weren't sure if perhaps the storm had stressed him out, so we pumped a bit more food into him (there wasn't much more he could eat!) but this week he had taken a turn for the worse. We were scratching our heads and worrying as to why he was getting thinner and thinner despite all the feed he was having. We had the vet out on Monday and they did blood tests. The blood tests came back, and the vet said there was a huge excess of protein in Roo's blood, and he also found a tumour on his chest which had rapidly developed. He expected, after being told what we were feeding Roo and also looking at just how thin he was, that some sort of cancer had taken hold. The vet advised he may only live a few more days, and although probably not in pain, he could soon feel some discomfort. So this morning I headed over to see him, and say my goodbyes. Despite knowing it had to be done, and it was the kindest thing it was still so hard. I have sold horses before, which is sad, but not the same. And we have had cats put to sleep before, but I think with a horse, the partnership is somewhat different, making it that much harder to say goodbye. The past few years, he has been a rather special case with a lot of special needs but I think that has just made me more attached to him knowing he really needs us. Saying all of that, our last hour couldn't have been more perfect together. I sat with him while he had his breakfast, and he kept trying to knock off my wooly hat (his favourite annoying trick!). He didn't finish his breakfast but decided to take a walk around the field. I walked by the side of him and when I slowed down or stopped, he just looked at me almost to say 'cmon would you!' so I continued to walk with him. He stopped under a tree at the other side of the field and rested his head in my arms by my chest. Roo normally hates cuddles and will only let you have one before pulling away and eating grass again. I am convinced he knew it was time, as he stood there with me stroking his face for about 20 minutes. So we just stood there having our last few moments together, having cuddles and kisses. He was in quite a bad way by the time today came, extremely under weight, with scabby skin and diarrhea as well as a lot of lumpy tumours. I think his body had just about given up on him, with the cancer taking hold so quickly. It wasn't nice to see him in that way but he was still his old self, being cheeky, but he definitely knew it was time to go. The vet came, so I gave him one last big squeeze before leaving him with Anne and the vet. By now, he will be munching grass in the sky with his old pal Nimmy. RIP Loopy my beautiful boy, one day we will meet again.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


Last week was graduation week. After four long years of hard work the day finally came!! About time! Mum flew over from Malta and Nana travelled down from Sheffield on the Monday afternoon so I collected them from Gatwick and we had a bit of grub before Mum headed down to Bournemouth. She got a head start on us as she wanted to visit the lovely Aunty Fifi who lives down there. Kim also travelled down to Bournemouth on the Tuesday to spend the day and celebrate with us so it really was a special day in the end. Nana was asking me on the train down if I was excited and I really wasn’t, I just couldn’t see what the big deal was. But when we arrived it all changed. It was just so wonderful to see all my friends in their gowns and caps after we have all worked so hard. The ceremony involved a lot of clapping. A lot. And a lot of Chinese students getting masters and PhDs. But they eventually got around to us BA lot and we finally got those hard earned certificates! Wahooo. I should really frame it and treasure it but at the moment it’s in a drawer. Mum cried. As expected. We then went out for dinner in Bournemouth and Fiona joined us. Kim and Nana both gave me graduation gifts, which was so kind although unexpected. It was a bit sad when they had to leave on Wednesday morning and I headed out to work, although I am hoping to get out to see Mum in January or February so that is something to look forward to. John’s graduation was on the Thursday, which I didn’t attend due to work, but I saw some photos and he really pulled the outfit off! Much better than me, with my cap falling off the whole time. I went back down to Bournemouth on the Friday evening to have a celebratory dinner with him and his family, which was lovely. So there you go, we are finally graduates!!!

Monday, 4 November 2013

Hello November

I can't believe that it is November already. It doesn't seem two minutes ago that we were revising for finals and dreams of travels were keeping us going, and now its almost Christmas! I do love autumn though, each morning walking to work seeing all sorts of beautiful colours on the trees, and some of the prettyest sun rises. November is a bit of a busy month this year too. Tomorrow we are headed down to Bournemouth for graduation. Mum is flying over, and Nana and Kim are also coming so that will be just lovely. Johns graduation is later in the week, so on Friday I will go back to Bournemouth to see his family and some of our friends, big catch up is well overdue! Later in the month, on the 20th, I am privileged to have been invited to a very exciting event! It is a charity quiz held by Msizi Africa for World Aids Day. They invited me to have a stall there and sell some things, with some profits going to them. They do some fantastic work over in Lesotho with children, based around feeding programs and the importance of getting a good meal so I am ever so thrilled to have been invited. Whats more is that Jenni is over in Lesotho at present and has been taking some exceptional photos for me to make into cards- brilliant! After the quiz and things quieten down a little, I will be off to Cheltenham to see Johns new flat. He only went and got himself a job last week ! So he will be moving into a new place soon. This weekend has been spent online shopping for a bed and sofa! All very exciting if a little grown up. Its a bit crazy how quickly 2013 is going.