Today it has been one of those days. I think it has finally hit that I am starting work on Monday.After almost 5 months off that's enough to stress anyone out! I'm kidding, I am looking forward to it really.I don't know why it has been a funny day, maybe missing mother, maybe the thought of moving to a new town and new job apprehensions. Living with someone new who I don't know, although first impressions are that she seems lovely and she has three cats so anyone with three cats must be good, surely!? I guess just a bit of a 'change' time. Maybe it has finally hit that we are home from Asia and the beauty of it all- gosh I miss it. I made a few things for the shop, but whilst we drum up some more interest sales are a little slow. *Be patient she tells herself*. On a brighter note I have been invited to a charity event to hold a stall in November which should be very exciting if all goes through okay. And on an even brighter note it is Friday night, and we have tasty veggie burgers for dinner that Janet has kindly cooked for us :) So, if you have had a bit of a bleuurggh day like silly old me over here. Here is a lovely view to knock you back into high spirits :) The beautiful Kuta beach, Lombok.
You'll be feeling a bit bleugh as all your travelling is over...but a fab new job will sort that out n Monday. I loved spending time with you this week x love Mum x